随叫随到的安排仍然是医院和医疗保健系统面临的一个持续挑战. 由于各种原因,确保不仅对急诊科(ED)而且对住院专科实践的持续覆盖已被证明是困难的. 许多医院被要求维持一个随叫随到的医生小组,以保持他们的创伤状态和符合法规要求.

然而,ED覆盖的数量和清晰度在全国范围内都有所增加. Those changes, 再加上医生和高级护理从业人员的供应减少,医疗服务提供者更加注重工作与生活的平衡, 是否已导致随叫随到工资的整体增加,以确保适当的覆盖.

What should you consider when setting up on-call arrangements?

Structuring Coverage Arrangements

There are a number of ways to structure compensation within an on-call arrangement; as you can see in the chart below, a daily stipend is, without a doubt, the most common payment structure. Regardless of the compensation method, 医院正在寻找越来越多的方法来补偿医生随叫随到的负担. 我们继续看到,接受随叫随到服务付费的医生比例在增加. According to Sullivan Cotter Provider On-Call Compensation Survey and MGMA On-Call Compensation Survey, 现在平均有50%到70%的医院为医生的随叫随到服务付费.

Call Pay Structure Graph

Concurrent Coverage

Concurrent coverage comes in many shapes and sizes. 在考虑使用并行覆盖模型时,需要注意的重要事项是,这种覆盖是由单个医生提供的. 这意味着一名医生可用于多个机构或多个服务线路. 如下图所示,并发呼叫覆盖有许多优点和缺点. 一个优点是能够用一个呼叫面板覆盖多个设施或多个专业. This allows a hospital to maintain the needed coverage, 即使在医生供应有限的情况下,也可以更容易地跟踪随叫随到的小组. However, this can also be considered a con to providing concurrent coverage, 因为它要求一名医生在任何给定的时间可以在多个机构或多个专业工作,这可能会增加负担和支付费用.

Pros and Cons Concurrent Coverage

Fair Market Value (FMV)

一种遵从性最佳实践是以两种方式评估拟议安排中的条款和补偿. First, confirm that the arrangement meets a Stark exception and/or Anti-Kickback Statue safe harbor (as applicable) and second, confirm that compensation is FMV, commercially reasonable, and does not take into account the volume or value of referrals. 在决定车辆随叫随到安排时,需要考虑以下几个重要因素:

  • Physician Availability;
  • Burden of Coverage;
  • Acuity of Cases;
  • Facility Designations; and
  • Payor Mix

考虑到一个随叫随到的小组的负担可以采取几种不同的形式, 重要的是要包括医生在值班期间接听电话的次数和医生在值班期间被要求到现场的次数. 虽然一个电话不一定会导致任何类型的面对面咨询或病人的程序, 它确实显示了医生在值班时被打断的频率. On the other hand, 医生出现在现场的次数是一个呼叫覆盖面板价值的主要指标. These factors, along with the acuity of cases, are indicators of what providers deal with while they are on-call.

FMV的另一个重要指标是随叫随到所提供服务的潜在报销. 由于账单和收款责任,这对独立承包商的影响比雇佣医生更大. In considering reimbursement, 同样重要的是要考虑案件的敏锐度以及机构的付款人组合. 自费患者的报销和潜在的无补偿护理或补偿不足的护理可能对FMV产生潜在的巨大影响,应仔细考虑.

LBMC helps you keep a PULSE on Fair Market Value (FMV)

保持FMV补偿的脉冲是复杂和耗时的. Healthcare organizations are facing growing challenges. 作为医疗保健咨询服务的全国领导者超过30年, 明升体育app下载FMV计算器为各种简单到复杂的供应商薪酬安排提供解决方案,包括:就业, call coverage and administrative services. 最重要的是,它们很快,可以在不到一分钟的时间内完成. If your healthcare organization is looking for an automated, web-based solution to assess compensation terms, the PulseFMV Calculator is your answer for defensible FMV support.

内容由LBMC医疗保健薪酬评估专家Jessica Webster提供.